Using the variety of Web Applications incorporated into the Website Control Panel, you can easily start promoting your new website, just after it has been developed. With the RSS News publishing software, you can easily place a regularly updated news section in your website. With the GeoIP redirection tool, you’re able to route your visitors according to their country. Also, through the Sitemap Generator, you can make a complete sitemap for your site and submit it to the major search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

For fast search engine listing

A sitemap is a list of the pages within a website that may be utilized by bots and clients. You may use a sitemap to tell search engines which web pages of your web site you’ll want to be crawled. Moreover, a sitemap can help your web visitors find their way throughout your site. You’d typically make use of a third party sitemap software package to have a sitemap for your website. Nonetheless, with us, you get a sitemap application comfortably placed in your kalcho 99 Website Control Panel.

Within the Advanced Resources section, just click on Sitemap Generator and right after picking out the file format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl key. The sitemap of your website will be set up in minutes and you will now be able to submit it to the search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Location–driven redirections with just a click

kalcho 99 gives you a great way to reroute your site visitors on the basis of physical location. Through the GeoIP re–direction application, you are able to route all the visitors who come from a specific area to a native language variant of your web site. For instance, if you have an Italian translation of your web site, you can easily forward all the website visitors coming from Italy to that webpage rather than asking them to change to Italian as soon as they visit the English variation. This enables you to present your clients with a user–friendly onsite experience from the beginning.

There is no need for any specific skills or computer expertise to use the GeoIP redirection tool. It’s configured with a mouse click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most up–to–date headlines on your website

In the kalcho 99 Website Control Panel, we’ve bundled an instrument, which enables you to add news from the most well–known media outlets on the planet inside your web sites, with just a click. Our News Syndication tool works on auto–pilot and does not need any additional configuration work from you,

The RSS News Publication component is simple to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You’re able to adjust the number of information bits that are going to be displayed, exactly how they will appear like, how they will be ordered, etc.

RSS News