A sitemap is a file which includes the different pages of a website and the path to them through the sections of the website. The pages can be organized visually or as simple text and this type of a file is very useful for 2 reasons. The first is that it makes it faster and easier for the visitors to find a particular page they need, which means that they can navigate your Internet site better and faster, which in turn will increase their user experience and it'll be more likely that they will revisit the Internet site or will recommend it to other people. The second reason is the fact that a sitemap makes it possible for search engines to index your site content better, particularly when it's updated, so if users are interested in particular content, it's more likely that they will come across your Internet site because it will be listed higher in their search results. In case your Internet site is not indexed efficiently, it might not appear for some searches, so even when you have what people want, they will not get to the website.